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UN Primer on scaling innovation

What's the challenge?

This is a link to the report 'Scaling the summit' which explored via extensive interviews, literature research and online discussion the challenges facing the UN in scaling innovations

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Challenges in scaling innovation

These are links to some key reports which highlight the challenges involved in scaling innovation in a variety of different contexts:


Against the odds - report from UK National Health Service

Too tough to scale - report from humanitarian innovation field

Making it big - NESTA report on scaling social innovation

Insights on scaling innovation - International Development Innovation Alliance

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(2) What's the scale vision?

Scaling innovation is an expedition into uncertain territory - so it's important to have a clear vision of the final destination.


This is a link to a deeper dive into why this question matters and key issues associated with it


And this is a link to some case examples which highlight the importance of scale vision


And this is a link to some tools to help work with building a clear scale vision

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(4) Is the team/organization able to support it to scale?

There's a big difference between the kind of organization needed to create a solution from start-up and what’s needed to scale - the team needs to change and grow.  And the role of a supporting organization providing the key enabling conditions to help scale is another key issue.


This link is to a 'deeper dive' which explores the questions around organizing to scale an innovation


And this link is to case studies which illustrate the importance of the question


And this link is to tools to help work with the question

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Examples of successful start-up innovations within the UN system

These are typical examples from across the UN system showing that there is now good capability in generating and piloting innovations to meet the SDG challenges.  But they only take the ideas to launch, not scale:


insert links to examples


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(1) Should this innovation be scaled?

Not every innovation which has been successfully launched is a candidate for scaling to deliver impact. 


This link is to a 'deeper dive' which explores some of the key questions innovating teams and sponsors should be asking.


And this link is to some case examples which illustrate these choices and questions


And this link is to tools to help explore and answer these key questions

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(3) Is the innovation scalable?

Not every promising solution has the capacity for being scaled, so we need to think carefully before committing resources to a scale journey.


This link is to a 'deeper dive' which explores the questions around whether or not to scale an innovation


And this link is to case studies which illustrate the importance of the question


And this link is to tools to help work with the question


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(5) Does the innovation have an ecosystem in place to help scale it?

Scaling innovation is a multi-player game - there are big questions around 'who else?' and 'what else?' do we need to move to scale.


This link is to a 'deeper dive' which explores the questions around creating 'value networks' to enable sclaing


And this link is to case studies which illustrate the importance of the question


And this link is to tools to help work with the question

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