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Learn with me

I've been teaching and coaching innovation for over forty years and have put together a set of courses which build on that experience - You can see details below; all courses feature videos, audio, cases, tools and activities all focused around learning to manage innovation and entrepreneurship.

Have you ever thought of an idea and wondered how to take it further?  Or been so frustrated with something you think ;there must be a better way...!'; and you begin to think about that that better way might be?  Or perhaps you've seen something that really challenges you, something you;d like to do to help change the world?  Whatever your motivation, you’re an 'entrepreneur' and this course is for you.  It will guide you through that journey...


This course is for people in organizations, public or private, who want to make a difference with their ideas.


You’ve got the most important thing - your ideas - but it will help if you have some understanding of how the process of innovation happens and how you can work with it.  


This course will give you a roadmap, some powerful tools and equip you with skills....

Enabling innovators

Essentially targeted at people with the role of teaching and coaching innovation, how to design and deliver learning support, based on 45 years of experience doing this in over 50 universities, and 100 companies...



Coming soon......

Advanced innovation

A series of short intensive courses designed to bring you up to speed with key frontier issues around innovation.,  Examples include digital innovation, discontinuous innovation, open innovation, user innovation, social innovation, public sector innovation.... 




Coming soon...

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