An Erasmus + project looking at the way in which games can be sued to help learn about and epxlore innovation management
Releasing the power of users
Users can play a key role in innovation but we need to explore how they can be brought in to the process. this project is exploring ways in which this might be enabled through co-creation laboratories
What will the future of teaching and coaching of innovation look like in 2030? And how migth we prepare to this, building resilient models to enhance our practice in helping people learn about the subject? This collaborative project is exploring these important themes.
Teaching and coaching in innovative fashion
This project explored different ways in which we might approach the challenge of teaching and coaching in innovation management. It spawned a number of continuing strands of research including GAMIFY, storytelling and innovation theatre....
Scaling innovation in the humanitarian sector
This project looks at how to move beyond a successful pilot solution to scaling - and how to use and present evidence to support the process